She did it herself with no help from me
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As we wait for the answer...
She did. She’s 6.
Do y’all not know any 6 year olds that color well orrrrr...
You can see some mistakes and everything and the lines are really thin she could have taken her time ...
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Need to take a picture and get it filled in exactly the same.
Seems like I made an overnight idiot of myself. Oh dear. Remember to follow lol
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Crop your memes
I'll let you tell me what to do when you stop shopping at
Well I'll be sure to stop shopping there if you remember to crop them memes young man
Okay great yes sir. can you please send me an example of the above meme cropped at an appropriate amount so I can learn from you?
Like this, you sumptuous man. Remember to not show any blue
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Are you sure your child did this? She's a genius
She just coloured in the tattoo.
She still is..
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