Backing up Youtube playlist

Last time I did this was probably close to three years ago so it is about time to do it again.

Because if you use Youtube yourself, you know that if you go back year or two, approximately at least 5-10% of the videos will have been deleted or made private. So backing up Youtube makes a lot of sense.

I am using the following to store everything that I can:

  1. sudo -u nobody youtube-dl -u username -p password --no-mark-watched -4 --playlist-start 1 --playlist-end 76 --output "\"%(playlist)s\"-\"%(uploader_id)s\"-\"%(upload_date)s\"-\"%(title)s\"-\"%(id)s\"-\"%(format)s\".%(ext)s" --continue --write-description --write-info-json --write-annotations --cookies .youtube-dl.cookies --cache-dir .youtube-dl.cache --write-all-thumbnails --no-call-home --format mp4,ogg,flv --write-sub --write-auto-sub --all-subs
sudo -u nobody youtube-dl -u username -p password --no-mark-watched -4 --playlist-start 1 --playlist-end 76 --output "\"%(playlist)s\"-\"%(uploader_id)s\"-\"%(upload_date)s\"-\"%(title)s\"-\"%(id)s\"-\"%(format)s\".%(ext)s" --continue --write-description --write-info-json --write-annotations --cookies .youtube-dl.cookies --cache-dir .youtube-dl.cache --write-all-thumbnails --no-call-home --format mp4,ogg,flv --write-sub --write-auto-sub --all-subs

Downloading 76 latest videos from the playlist in mp4, ogg and flv formats (if available) along with all the other information, including auto-generated subtitles.

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